Trading card
Someone was making rounds in the house and almost stepped on something ^^;
Taiga: Hmmm it’s not for me! Who left it lying around the house?!?! Guwaaaaaa!!!!!
Thanks Gordonator for the …! (lol) ^^; Mail feeling rather sluggish this month ^^; Haven’t gotten some things which I am kinda expecting in the mail just yet o_o; Probably slow to arrive due to xmas rush ^^; Also it seems that postmen don’t deliver on weekends here ;_;
You buy/expecting anything in the mail in December? Is mail slow in your area?
Bonus: Taiga(s) accompanying me in the sewing sweat shop ^^;
Mokotan working hard ^^;
Oh noes! TAIGA RUN! :P lol, thats cute!
lol the furkids WERE curious lol
Still waiting from some custom made things from China and France. Thank heavens it’s not Christmas stuff. But yeah, mail seems extra sluggish as of late. T_T
Hope your items reach you soonest! Or at least before xmas :3
where did u get that card? so nice i want one too! :3c
I thought you have like, about 5000 of them? ^^;;;;
I don’t really mind the wait…. You should’ve made your girls some elf costumes. :)
I ran really low with the red fabric that’s why XP it’s probably the only red fabric I have since red is kinda notorious to stain =-=
I try not to order too much before the Christmas rush. Can’t be bothered with the processing prowess of my local post office.
I get really antsy when there’s a delay :P the current place I live in seems to be even slower ^^;