Otome Asakura Doll in a new dress

When I opened the envelope and saw the lovely dress made by Plastic Fashion (intended for blythe), for some reason the doll which I bought late last year but never really showed pictures of came to mind.

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Blythe Manna Energy Dress Drive

Remember my brief mention earlier this month about a charity related sewing I got myself into? I managed to finally pack up the finished items (made little by little over time) and sent them out last week. The sets reached Gina Garan, organizer of this particular dress drive safely today (woot!)

Flowers and Clovers

Only managed to take some quick indoor lighting pictures before I packed up the dress sets (oops) but if you’re interested in viewing my creations…

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Vivi and Ginny Adventure overload!

Looks like my Mamachapp sisters are taking over the dolly blog (well for now ^^;)
Below is a photo of Vivi enjoying the beautiful day out!

Before I continue with the photos I want to thank taitan-no.net for kindly linking up to their blog featuring Vivi and Ginny :D They have many great links to a lot of lovely photos and resources in Japanese ^^/

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Ginny’s adventure at the shop

Took this picture while waiting for my husband to come pick me up from a day of helping at the shop :)
Ginny finds it funny that Domokun is wearing a chick suit XD

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Caught in the snowstorm!

Today it was a beautiful day, so I took some dolls with me when we went out and…. clouds started rolling in…

And it snowed and snowed! 

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Vivi’s little outdoors adventure

Today is another amazingly beautiful day :) This time I can’t stay out for too long so only a few quick photos of Vivi :D Vivi is wearing a beautifully made sweater by Betsyjean79 Blythe Knits! I like how some blythe clothing gives Mamachapp (or similar sized bodied dolls) a child like look :D

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Ginny’s great outdoors adventure

Decided to walk to work as I missed my bus — would be later than late if I waited for the next bus so I thought okay might as well bring a doll with me and make the best of it all! Ginny is the lucky grab at the last minute pick of the day ^o^;! 

So glad I brought her out as I managed to take some pictures which I am rather happy with :D

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Dolly sweat shop? Mirai has a date…

I would love to sew more but I don’t have enough time in a day ^^; So I got my slaves little ones to work on some smaller sewing…. (not) 

I even had Ginny help me update my last post on my art blog (I wish!)

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