Been a while o_o
Hello stranger ^^;
The theme I was using for this page got nuked, so I have to use a new one, and while at it, I am making an update!
The page looked something like the screen capture below for the longest time, but wordpress got really finicky to update, and there was a lot of spam comments so I eventually also turned off comments.

The new theme will likely need some adjustments to look decent. I am keeping this site up for now as there were some posts which might be of some use, like tutorials, past posts to Japan etc.
Unfortunately, Yoshi had passed away 2022 Jan 5th from kidney disease – he was 13 years old also dearly missed ;_; Due to various reasons, I had also stopped drawing House with 2 cats.
I am still drawing and sharing my artwork @puppy52art, and also include some doodles with my hand made doll clothing I share some exclusive contents on my patreon at if you wish to check it out! Ginko (She is epileptic) is still around with us and currently her seizures is being managed with daily medications, and I am trying to focus on trying to make a living wage with my doll clothing creations.
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