Aki’s Autumn Adventures

Aki is still a little mysterious, but I learnt that she know how to twist my finger to do things for her ^^;

She’s a little hard to dress (high maintenance?!) as her dark hair tend to make her very washed out in photos, I tried to dress her in a few items before settling on pink again, pink makes her blush and lips stand out a bit more ^o^

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ASCII entry

Danny’s calling for ASCII entries for doll owners ^o^ I took the opportunity to take Aki out for photoshoot! ^^

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Dollfie Dream Bikini 3

Ah, felt like I haven’t taken DD photos for a bit ^^; Especially need to take more of Aki before the day(daylight) gets shorter ^^;

It’s Autumn here already but it feels like I want to make some bikini despite that, DDs can always wear bikinis when going for a holiday in a tropical country no? ;D

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I was inspired to dig out most of the wigs which I own to try on Aki (Yuki Morikawa dollfie dream).

1) I trimmed the pink wig which she was wearing in the previous post ^^;

Thank you Motoko Yamamoto for pointing me out to the link I lost!  The link where Yuki Morikawa dollfie dream was trying out many different wigs XD

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Aki in pink

While Aki looked very good in the default dark brown wig, I felt that it made her look washed out in pictures, so I dug up a pink 8-9 inch LUTS wig which I bought from before to see if it looks okay on her ^^

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White Album Dollfie Dream

I didn’t think I was going to get a limited order of a Dollfie Dream, but during the 2nd pre-order period in February, I got so smitten by Yuki Morikawa’s face design I HAD TO DO IT ^^; (after giving husband puppy dog face/eyes)…  And after moons of waiting… a package arrived today XD

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Dollfie Dream neck mod

Woot Otacool3 get ^^; Decided to do a dollfie dream mod on Mirin, came across a link on modifying dollfie dream when it was posted by sushi_n_sake on twitter. The link about the mod is for the elbow joint, but I read in one of the comments that it can be done on the neck joint, and decided to try that out :)


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White dresses

Was in the mood for test sewing today, so drafted a pattern for a dress intended for M bust.  The inspiration of the dress was a Momoko doll’s dress from a picture by Emily san ^o^. Found that dress fits the L bust on the DDII body too — which is great! Ended up making another one so I can take a photo of 2 girls together in similar dresses ^o^


Himitsu and Mirin look so sweet in white don’t they? :)

I posted some photos on figure.fm as well, there’s a polling going on, right at this moment the preference is 50-50 lol!

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