Had a very intense Sunday (27 Nov 2011), after very little sleep on the night before ^^; was probably running on sheer adrenaline :P

Thank you Haku1923 for meeting up at short notice, sorry I felt like I crashed your DD display table ^o^;> It was super awesome seeing Sora and Aura in person, my photos does not do them justice… please ask Sorahomu chan not to shoot me… XD;;
Very very happy to meet a few blythe friends whom I haven’t seen in a long time (thank you Matin, Lisa and Natsuko for coming to meet me <3!!!) After having a late lunch with a couple blythe friends, I rushed off to join my husband who was checking out Danny’s filming of Culture Japan, which unfortunately I missed most part of >_<; To see more please check out Danny choo’s blog post and NagatoPyon’s figure.fm post! :D we were lucky to catch Teddy again, and other than Danny’s lovely waifu Jay, I met for the first time Syaoran and his sweet girlfriend Mi-chan, and also NagatoPyon’s kind partner, AND not forgetting the gadget guy Steve Nagata ^o^!!!!

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