Hot pants for Dynamite body
Another test piece, the pattern still need a little adjustment, Nyanko’s happy she scored it for now :P Took some day time photos of/with Himitsu in her bikini too :D
Noticed the photos look a bit pinky/yellow when I copied them into the computer ^^; Maybe because the sunlight is quite harsh when I took the photos ^^;
Back of the hot pants are a bit loose around the waist, but it looks okay in front no? ^^;
Need to make a slightly better match bikini bottom for Himitsu ^^; Or maybe Hot shorts for the regular DDII body :P
Together <3
Anyone going to upcoming Doll show in Japan? ^^;;; Talented Mai chan of Mai Little Alien and JET SET kindly invited me to take part… I won’t be going this time, but Mai is very kindly bringing limited pieces of my work for sale! >o<;
I will post more information as it gets closer! This is my first time taking part so I feel very nervous and excited! :D Ganbarimasu! p(^o^)q!
Hot pants is hot!
Thanks wolf! XD
The pants looks great on Nyanko =O I feel like pinching both their cheeks now =x
hahaa which pair? ^^;;;;
I WANT!!! And when did you get an S-bust?! o_O…
Himitsu is in M-bust ^^;; I not that interested in S bust lol
Ooh nice looking pants. I saw a nice dress just now, that might be useful for you as reference but I forgot to take pic of it ^^;
don worry I have plenty of ideas, just not enough hands/time :P
Note to self, buy some hot pants for Nanoha.
Yeah I’m really liking how that bikini looks on Himitsu and Nyanko looks so natural with those hot pants.
Good luck in the doll show, if I lived in Japan I would probably go. Since I can’t make sure to take lots of pictures.
I’m actually unable to attend, so my friend kindly offered to help me bring some of my work over :D so, I gonna be real busy LOL I hope she’ll have a chance to take photos! ^O^