Vivi adventures continue…

Before some Vivi photo spam, I want to thank Namo san of d*d*mod for linking up and featuring! :D We are very happy and honoured (^^)/! Domo Arigato Gozaimasu! And Namo san has quite a few beautiful dollfie daughters, do check d*d*mod for more!

This afternoon, I went for a hair cut and after that I went to meet my husband at a bubble tea place near the hair salon. Vivi came along ^^/

The bubble tea place we met at was called Gogo Tea Cafe, at first we heard that it is like a Maid Cafe where the waitresses dress up, but they were just in tee-shirts and shorts when we were there ^^;

Heard the waitresses giggled at us a bit when we were taking pictures of Vivi, we were kinda immune to it since I used to take more outdoor pictures with my blythe dolls which normally draws a bit more attention ^^; probably because of their big heads ^^;

It was a sunny day…

Vivi wanted some of my drink too — I ordered Lemon Aloe Vera, a drink which I really like back when I was living in Singapore.

Tough being a 23 cm doll ^^;

I also decided to try their soft tofu with black sesame paste :P Vivi is not very impressed ^^;

Seriously tho it tastes and smells better than it looks :P The sesame paste was surprisingly filling, the tofu, very light and slightly sweet.

Husband ordered a Logan Ginger tea as his throat had been itchy and making him cough at random ^^; He said it was pretty good ^^ More pix at the art brog if you’re interested ^^/

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  1. kmyk
    kmyk says:

    oooo lemon aloe vera, I will try that the next time I BBT. I usually get a calpis slush or a passion fruit green tea. I don’t like the bubbles though, I am strange like that~

  2. chun
    chun says:

    @maru hehe and oh that’s probably what it is, it’s heated up ^^ Not sure how it’d taste if eaten cold tho ^^

  3. maru
    maru says:

    Vivi.. teh love! :3

    Can’t imagine what the sesame paste plus tofu tastes like though.. Maybe I can try buying sesame paste and adding it in into the usual sweet tofu.

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