Test knitting for L bust dollfie dream
We spent quite a bit of Valentine’s running errands (LOL) so I ended up bringing a ball of yarn and knitting needles to try knitting something for Mirai while I wait in the car ^^; Good thing is it fits okay ^O^!
I learnt a bit about knitting from my teens from a few different people, but ironically never really learnt how to read the patterns lol! So now I can only “eyeball knit” — knitting the pieces to fit the size of an actual garment.
I tend to be somewhat impatient, so knitting isn’t neccessarily my most favourite thing to do, but I really want to try to knit something for Mirai ^^ Finished knitting the 4 pieces (front, back, 2 sleeves) and stitched them together after dinner. Knitting for dolls is still faster than knitting for humans afterall :P
Today turned out to be a beautiful day, so I took some quick pictures indoors :)
Mirai has dangerous L-bust curves :P
A couple shots which I quite like, taken last nite in artifical light ^^;
Okie time to make lunch ^^ Thanks for looking!
@Arayden KOGs lol!
Marwa thank you! :D I can only knit the very basic stuffs lol
How darling! It looks so well made. I did a simlar thing when I knitted my Taeyangs some tops.
Lol. I can see why…
Oppai Saber XD.
@Kawaii Chan thanks :D
@Adun well otherwise usually just sitting in the car not doing much ^^; I lack free time as well =_=
@Yanyan hmmm it depends on which and what kind I guess lol
@Arayden KOGs no idea :P it’s switchable depending on needs
Lol. So you’re going to stick with M bust or the L bust XD.