Santa Mirai!
I was so pleased to realise that this outfit I made for Dollfie Dream a few years ago fits Mirai too!
I was so pleased to realise that this outfit I made for Dollfie Dream a few years ago fits Mirai too!
Up Up and away!
This set of photos was taken on Sunday 26 October 2014. It had been raining for a few days and then suddenly we had this amazing weather with beautiful blue sky and clouds!
Met up with Skecchu and David of Dawei Photography ^o^/
This meeting wasn’t planned at all, but since my Senmei custom was still in her outfit (LOL) I brought her with me and it became an impromptu photoshoot :P
Photos with water mark on the bottom left is taken by David, and the rest is by Skecchu or myself ^^ I had quickly removed traces of stands behind the dolls ^^ David has never taken photos of dolls before, and he didn’t want to break my dolls (LOL) so it took a little while to warm up, but I think he was having fun later on XD
Beautiful Blythe Con Seattle official artwork by the super talented Dr. Blythenstien
Myself and bluestarbaby are vending at Blythe Con Seattle on 2nd August 2014 (Saturday)!
Here’s my Vendor interview on the BlytheCon Seattle website if you’re interested ^O^!
I have made limited pieces of Blythe clothing ^^/ I hope to have a few more ready by next week ^^;
more preview under cut! Read more
Thanks to those who snapped up the items! Will pack them up soon :3!!!
This is a documentation blog post~!
Sorry for the strange colours of the photos, I was trying to use an external flash and I’m not quite used to it yet :P and I had to edit the colours in Photoshop ^^;/
I am currently working on a set for evilbay as well~ will likely be for M-bust~
Random listing(s) will continue late next week~! Thanks everyone who snapped stuff up!
Your items will be packed over the next few days, and shipped latest by weekend of 24/25 November if any sooner I will e-mail you! Or if you buy a second item next week or 2, and just want to combine shipping I will refund the extra shipping amount.
Here’s a preview of what’s coming! Some of you may have already seen my work in progress on instagram. When items are listed I will tweet it on my twitter.
I will be randomly listing some jeans for DDII/DDIII I have been working on in this two weeks and I should be shipping on weekends (the following weekend 24-25 Novemver and after) unless there’s a clear/not too windy day on the weekdays then I can bike out to ship. These jeans are made for DDII/DDIII so they will look a lot more bunched up on the pant leg on DDS (Dollfie dream sister).
Please kindly note these take me quite a while to make each pair, hence the pricing, I am not a factory, and each and every pair is made whenever I can find time and feel inspired to make them carefully. It makes me very happy when they fit the way I like them to, and it’s a little hard to have to sell them sometimes – my girls want to keep them too! ^^;
These denim have been tested on my girls and does not seem to stain, the dark denim has been tested for at least 1 week plus and no staining on the spare bust (see picture below). I know for sure the medium blue denim does not stain, as I have a pair of shorts for my girls which they wear for months on end without any staining issues. BUT please do not leave them on your girls for long periods without checking. And please do not let them wear dark socks or underwear under the pants!
Update: Jacket has been replaced. original item is still MIA unfortunately… Thanks to Yu chann and her papa for their patience!
As some of you may know, this set of clothing I spent quite a bit of time on to get it out on time to the buyer is currently lost in the mail :( I have opened a claim with Canadapost to see if I can locate it somehow or something. :/
So this was one of the time sensitive project I was working on, a one off trench coat for Fujiwara Yukino (Yu chann)
I needed to get this in time for an up coming event, AFA 9-11 Nov 2012 in Singapore.
My very own Yukino dollfie dream whom I named Mirai (After Danny choo’s mascot, Mirai Suenaga) is modelling this in L bust DDII body ^^/ Wig is Kanawaves Plum Gold Auburn in 7/8 (suitable for DDH03/Yukino’s small-ish head). Shoes are from this ebay seller :)
18 May 2012: Thanks everyone who purchased, your items has been shipped 18 May (I managed to bike out since the weather is decent) :D
I meant to make some more items to list, but I have to catch up on a time sensitive deadline first ^^;/ Maybe next couple weeks :3
Some of you may have already seen some of the sneak previews over my flickr :)
Testing out a poncho pattern, probably need a bit of tweaking but Mirai seems quite happy with it :3
Hopefully it’s keeping her warm in the minus degree weather brrr!