Taiga and bicycle
I cannot remember if Taiga ever learnt to ride a bike in the end in the anime – Tora Dora! lol
I recalled she fell a lot when she tried to ride/learn it ^^;
Took Taiga out quickly for a few quick shots on a sunny Saturday afternoon, was about to head out soon after so did not get too creative with the location ^^;
Her tsuntsun expression was almost too perfect… it seems she tried to run me over a few times while I took photos :P
A few people passed by, but luckily for me they did not stop and ask questions (ahem)
It was somewhat a muggy afternoon, with some clouds and a light breeze…
Thanks for looking ^o^/
Awwwwww! So cute and sweet (giggles). Great fit to the bike. :D
lol she’s gonna turn a lot of people into road kill XD
Nah! She seems too cute and sweet. :D
Taiga looks adorable in her little hat and on that bike…..beautiful day for a ride. <3
Thank you dear :3 It was quite a lovely day indeed :3
haha.. and if she didn’t, she did now XD love the pictures
lol not yet! She’s still on training wheels LOL