Richmond doll meet – March
Attended a doll meet in Richmond! ^o^
For the full set of photos you can check out flickr, in this post I will just highlight a few photos :)
Also you can check out Galamirix’s experience on his blog entry :D Very pleased to meet his DD girls! I am rather annoyed at myself as most of my photos of his Aoi and Mari are blurry >_<;;;
Checking out a friend’s film camera :D As always I took a lot of photos of Aki chan ^^;;;;; a bit too many probably, but then there were also a lot of blurry shots >_<
This is the sharpest I have of Galamirix’s Mari DD ;_; Sorry Aoi chan! Very pleased to meet another DD owner :3
Regular attendees Lightning Sabre’s little ones :3 Now Yui can sit normally :P
bluestarbaby‘s Unoa :D I have some photos of Hitomi too but… blurry! :P
Some “candymanhandling” happened as usual ^^; (Candyman is one of the regular attendee of doll meet… he like to pose dolls in action which girls normally don’t ^^; )
Navci‘s beautiful MSD babysitting a tiny :D you can check out her fantastic meet pictures on flickr!
I think part of why a lot of photos are blurry is possibly because I slept too late the night before >_< I was literally half awake at the meet ^^; (doh)
After all the activities, rushed to have our nihongo lessons :P
i got my DD alna a while ago, and saw ur site before but never knew everyone is in vancouver
i think i saw a facebook group somewhere but i forgot what its called
ooooh congrats on your DD Alna ^^ and yes there’s a facebook group do a search ;D!
omg T_T i didn’t know about this til i saw the article on richmond review
wish i was there
you’re a local doll owner? :P It was a small meet, the place is not super big XP
What a fun gathering. Some of these are really cute.
Thank you :D It’s always nice to hang out with people with similar interests and catch up, :D