Pattern making and test sewing

Working on a commission Gothloli outfit for Danny’s sweet Saber dollfie dream, have to make a pattern which means test sewings for my own Mirai chan ^^;

First make sketches of some design(s)… Get approval… Finalise some details… Certain details may change depending on the type of lace/trims used, but a basic idea is needed to start :)


The process usually = Start making a pattern (if it’s from scratch) with paper over half of the Dollfie’s body, draw some outlines, use tape to secure some area which needs to be tucked in etc. Cut it out, trace as a flat pattern with seam allowance, cut out the fabric pieces needed then sew an actual test item(or more)… Make some mistakes along the way (doh!), trash the mistakes, make corrections/adjustment and make a 2nd try…

From a previous post of my blog entry, I linked up to a pretty informative japanese blog tutorial, but unfortunately I suspect maybe high traffic at the time might have caused the site to break :( So sorry about that =_=;; (expecially to the owner of that site =_=)

Take some quick pictures of the (2nd) test specimen to show Danny…

Back view… As you can see, not all details of the dress are in yet, but the important part like the main shape is there :) Gonna add a pink bow at the back for this one :P

Mirai feels happy when I make test stuff like this as it usually means she get something to keep if I am not 100% happy with the item :P

Today’s weather was amazing, just had to take Mirai out quickly for a few shots in the sun ^o^

A neighbour walked pass when I was taking pix… (oops)
Moe yo~

Mirai seems worried that she might get a tan ^^;

Favourite shot of the lot :)

Hmmm I should try to consolidate a page for my older tutorials which I used to make ^^;
Okie gotta prep dinner and feed the furry kids soon ^^;/ Laters all~

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  1. […] – Saber and Aoi chan really ^^;  As you can see, final product is slightly different from the original finalised sketch, but thankfully Danny approves! Just mailed it out today, but got green light to post about this […]

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