Mirai Suenaga Winter Uniform
Have been very very busy due to Blythe con on the 20th in Portland — any DD owners in Portland USA? ^^;
Managed to squeeze time in the ridiculously busy schedule to help design the Mirai Suenaga Winter school uniform with Danny ^o^/ (Thank you for the great pleasure of doing so) all this in between visiting relatives and random activities!
Was very worried since Canadapost started having rolling strike activities since last week, but managed to miss the bulk of the Canada-wide postal strike which started today – 15 June 2011… >_< Unfortunately it is currently uncertain how long the strike will last :(
These photos are taken very quickly as I wanted to pack it and ship it before we were affected by the Postal strike — Aki did a head switch with Mirin :P And her wig is from Jpopdolls and eyes are Coolcat Animetic eyes.
Usually leave hand stitching for all the items to the last as if I accidentally poked my finger I can mess up a completed outfit in between the process ^^;
Omake pix: Mirin worked very hard to model the pieces as I made them ^^;
Extra documentation: Danny was very involved with ideas and suggestions behind the making of this set — for example the inner vest is just parts which can be detached rather than a full vest which will make it a lot bulkier.
This was a challenging and fun project to work on, took a bit longer than I’d like to finish tho, due to the need to make pattern from scratch and alot of adjusting thru out the process.
Brrr!!!!! fall and winter.
Superb quality work.Perhaps a blazer/jacket for the lower temperatures of winter in Japan would work,well just speculating.
lol you might be amused, but this is the blazer LOL in the actual design there’s 3 layers, a blouse, a vest and a blazer :)
Woah,that must’ve been a lot of work.
in the final version, the inner vest is reduced to a few detachable pieces ^^; but yes it was quite a lot of trial and error lol
I think I like this design more than the other one ^^ Love the jacket and vest!
heehee thank you :3
Amazing work and design ^^b
domo arigato! ^O^!