Adventures of Mamachapps
…and Alpacas :P It was a nice autumn day (without rain) and we were lucky to be able to go outside for some photos in between some errands :3
Vivi and Mokotan are having fun with their new pets ^^; (Alpaca race?)
Went to Minoru park ^o^/ They had a warm up at the Arena before the actual race ;D
Water break? lol
Love the slightly lost and confused look XD
And the journey continues…
The sun got kinda glaring some point in time ^^; Husband took some photos too, I think his turned out way better than mine ^^;
Change of location ^^; Went to Richmond city hall, cos I remembered seeing some nice autumn scenes when I take the bus ^^
The Wind up Alpacas are fun! ^o^ Have you gotten yours yet? lol
Hmm. Wind-up Alpacas?!? That’s awesome! My friend was sitting next to me when I first looked at this post and she was cracking up XD
…so was I ^^;
Hehehe yes they’re rather amusing! Glad was able to get our paws on em :3
Lol, these are very cute and nicely done photos. ^^
I learn one thing, carrying 2 mamachapps and 2 alpacas along with my bag and camera gear is very tiring lol
Your girls need sunglasses, might looks cool if they wear it :D
but their eyes are their feature, not sure if it would look good to cover them up ^^;
the moment i loaded this page and spotted the first pic, i squealed.
XD isn’t it hilarious? XD
Aaaaah! So darn cute! >.< They still look a bit too big for the alpaca… ^^;
hahaha probably legs a bit long :P