Yoko Dollfie Dream
Looks like she’s no longer just a dream ^^;
Below is photo taken at a spot in Stanley park ^o^
Acquired her from a dollfie parent in Korea with the kind help of Toel-uru san! I’m still pinching myself to make sure she’s real and there :P Yesterday I even dressed her up quickly with some older stuff I made and took her out with us for photoshoots! :)
First thing husband said when he saw her was that her eyes (optical pair) reminds him of a cat’s :) I think I may call her Nyanko :P
Soft grass and high heels and dynamite body is a recipe for faceplant/falling backwards :P
But luckily some shots turned out decent :)
Very happy to have her in the family :3
Over here!
Very lucky to have some decent weather yesterday! Today’s grey and rainy! o_o
North Vancouver
Dolphin sighting ^^;
pose a bit stiff by end of the day LOL
Beautiful girl!
I posted a few quick photos at figure.fm after her arrival :) I have been quite busy with out of town relative so no time to blog for a bit ^^; BBL!
Does she Remind Me of Nyanko?
I like the dress ^^
^^; she’s wearing pants tho :P
Nice get!
She looks gorgeous. You should try and get her one of the dollfie wigs with the neko ears in them! ^^
Thanks :D I’m gonna try to make her some neko mimi :3
Nyan! Thanks Danny!
Nice catch!
I really do love Yoko’s face, probably my favorite after Nanoha, there is just something so charming to me about smiling faces.
I think Yoko looks so much better with casual clothes than her default outfit, can’t wait to see what you end up making for her.
Awwww :) Well I have a bunch more photos coming up! Some from outdoors and some from a recent doll meet XD