Mirai Maid outfit completed!

…for Danny Choo’s lovely Dollfie Dream musumes – Saber and Aoi chan really ^^;  As you can see, final product is slightly different from the original finalised sketch, but thankfully Danny approves! Just mailed it out today, but got green light to post about this ^o^!

Favorite pose of the lot ^^ Taking pictures by a mirror is nice, cos it feels like I have a 2nd doll ^^;

Back view… I ended up not adding the blue buttons at the back from the original sketch idea.

Before I was about to complete the set, Danny requested for a matching hairband, which I think is a fabulous idea!

I think Mirai chan is a little sad that she is not able to keep this dress, and I am running low on that particular lace, gotta try to find the same or similar lace sometime ^^;

I don’t have enough time/hands to make too many doll sewing just yet, sometimes I have a few projects here and there which is taking forever to finish ;_; but cannot resist the idea of making this particular commission! ^^;

Danny is a pleasure to work with, he allows me some free reign where the actual design is concerned! ^o^ Mirai is posing innocently in front of my shelf of neglected dolls ^^; (mostly Blythes in the background :P)

I ended up making the sleeves separately, the dress can be worn without the sleeves for a different look too ^^/!

Danny likes to see lots of oppais (bosom) ^^; and requested short skirtsu ^^;

Well short skirt shows lots of legs :3

Currently I’m keeping a handful of people waiting, with some random projects (1-2 illustrations, some doll sewing eeeck!) — I didn’t forget!!!

Even spreading this sewing project out with an actual dateline — mostly to see how fast I can finish making test pattern, figuring out some parts of the design took me about 2 weeks in between work and life, but I most likely have at least a day per week to sew around September of this year! ^^

I write again when things are more settled down or when some doll sewing for sale/auction (more likely the latter!) ^^/ Thanks again for viewing! And oh, I finally sorted out a tab for some previous tutorials, hope to add more in future! ^^/

ETA: Thanks Danny for hijack of news post! :3
Forgot that I had these few more pix ^^;

28 replies
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  1. J*me
    J*me says:

    Oooh, it’s lovely, Chun! Danny’s daughters would look mecha kawaii in that, me thinks! Love the seperate sleeves (and logo)!

  2. chun
    chun says:

    @Ayu XD;;; both took a few tries lol! if I have the oppais… maybe I’ll wear that too lol but people will be talking to my oppais ^^;;;; There’s a technical issue with making clothes for dolls I don’t own tho lol! I need to cover it sometime ^^:

    @FatB well you mean to reveal LARGE oppai :P

  3. Ayu
    Ayu says:

    THE SHAPE OF THE CHEST AND ARM PARTS ARE GORGEOUS. Maaaan, if I had oppai, I’d totally wear that… Your sewing ability just keeps amazing me, you know…. I have to commission you when I get my MSD! >< *big thumbs up*

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