Cardigan for Dollfie dream
Wanted to revisit making a cardigan for a while now, did not get to drafting a new pattern until today ^^;
This version was made with the Dynamite body in mind, and ended up kinda big, I had to take in a little bit on the side, have to adjust the pattern again later (oops)
Thought Mirin will look cute wearing glasses in this, so dug it up for a few shots despite having to take it in crappy indoor light :P
Ah forget to mention, Mirin is in L-bust ;)
Random shot lol, I find it kinda amusing that Himitsu and Mirai are super blurry next to Mirin XD
A random mention: Mirai and Mirin modeling socks and pantsu for Danny‘s dollfie musumes ^^; posted a few pix on :P
I did a blue one a while back, which was ironically a bit too tight ^^; for a few more pix click here ^^/
Okay a long day ahead ^^; laters!
Daytime shot :)
She’s looking very nice, cardigans are a firm favourtie of mine and a must have item, but if she plans to go outside in her cardigan, I hope she puts on some trousers or a skirt XD
lol she’s just lounging at home LOL Now’s still too cold to go out like that o_o
LOL she might cause some accidents with the dangerous curves :P
Lovely. Mirin looks sexy smart =3
lol! must be the megane + cleavage at work ^^; I still gotta adjust the pattern a smidge :3 Want to make it better fit :D
I love it! your works look so perfect and neat! still have a lot to learn :))
Thanks! It’s not that neat lol I think sewing stretchy stuff is so difficult ^^;
awwwwww! That’s awesome!!! I want a cardigan, I want a cardigan, I want a cardigan……. for dolls:p Chun~~~~ I want one T-T (lol, sorry…)
Muhuhu ;P!
Nice! Sexy Girl is sexy!
Thanks Wolf XD