Anime Revolution 2013 – Day 2
Survived day 2 of Anime Revolution… Right now, my soul is barely hanging onto my body LOL
Kind thanks to Mai for helping me take some photos of me at the booth XD (above photo is me, getting glared at by Taiga)
My brief highlight of the day is… I finally managed to meet Kurot san after all these years, (fan girling a bit and sweaty hands and omg you are so sweet!!) and I quickly said Hi to KL at her booth and embarrassed myself horribly by dropping the button I wanted to give KL =_=;;;;;;;;;;;
The photos taken by Mai is SUPER lol while I was fiddling with my sad little set up on the other side :P
Guest appearance, Raccoon kun LOL Mai took such a super picture <3 Please see the rest of her photos on her blog entry!
Last photo taken on my phone before we completely wrapped up :P
Ottsukaresama Mai and dollies <3! Thanks everyone who visited and bought something! So so thankful <3 I hope you like the purchases :)
Omake: Thanks LightningSabre for letting us know about the Gekoto fans XD Perfect “instant censor” XD
kero kero kero kero….
Eeeee! I want the other buttons!
Will you be offering them on your blog shop?
For you I’ll try lol!