Mini Ball joint doll meet
Mini meets usually means like dolls belonging to a couple people are involved lol! Thanks Mai and Nurie* for popping by to visit with your dolls! :D
This Rilakkuma head belongs to my boss ^^; I want one too! But unfortunately I don’t think they make/sell these anymore *pout*
There are a variety of dolls in this post, including blythes so you’ve been warned :P
Nurie’s sweet YoSDs girls and petite blythes :) so adorable ^^!
Sleeping petite blythes :)
I brought Taiga again :P Here she is in a funny pose lol! The jeans kinda made her legs bend like this, but she could balance and stayed like that for a while ^^;
I also brought a blythe doll but I haven’t changed her clothes for a while so I ended up not taking pictures of her ^^;
Please excuse the quality of the images above ^^; I only realised that the ISO was at 800 on the Lumix LX3 after I downloaded the pix =_=; (BOO)
Mai visited with her lovely dolls on tuesday evening :D The boy on Mirin’s lap is an Iplehouse BJD ^^ She named him Daiya, and I think he’s so pretty! heehee :P
All the girls want to hang out with him :P
Taiga jealous? ^^;
The lovely blythe with pink hair is Miu :) She’s a “replacement doll” for our contest doll Glacier Lily which we decided to donate to charity (It was an option to do so for the semi finalists).
I need to take some better photos of her in day time =_=;/ I am paranoid about messing up her perfect factory bangs :P The blythe next to her is a Piccadilly blythe, she also have perfect bangs ^^/
Here is Miu and Lemonbuttercup (who was also the replacement blythe when my Daisy and Clover entry got into semi finals) Daisy and Clover are still visiting at the moment thanks to their kind current owner ^^/
Taiga got to go out again on one of the weekends (before I took Mirin out)
We were at Harvourside Place, and the evening sky is quite spectacular ^^
Lots of people walking their dogs there ^^ So Taiga joined in :P
Have a nice weekend everyone :D
You are getting daring putting Taiga near a edge by the water. Taiga can’t swim!
I’ll jump in and save her :P LOL
The blythe dolls looks different from the ones I saw that time with your contest entry, the ones on this entry seems to have shiner faces. Are they all like that?
oops sorry took a while to reply ^^; Blythe dolls without modifications mostly come with shiny faces, except for some of the older ones (Which is not in production anymore) and the company CWC has been trying to come up with new “matt” type faces. But usually before a custom make up is applied, the original make up needs to be removed by fine sanding :) Hope this answered your question!
Ahh Taiga.. to me everything seems so lively when she’s around. ^^
lol to a certain extent yes ^^;
Taiga cute!
Oh btw, that Rilakkuma thing, is it squishy? It looks squishy O_O
domo~ and oh yes it is a stress ball ^^;
Gah Taiga seems to be getting cuter and cuter! LoL at the boy toy XD You can always somehow blackmail your boss to give him that Rilakkuma :P
lol boy toy :P And naw it’s a gift to him so cannot ^^; I’ll just take pix of it when I see it LOL