Taiga Aisaka custom version III
After I made a “tsun tsun” Taiga Aisaka version II I loved her but I felt like I needed a happier version of her. Today inspired by the sudden break of sunny weather, I worked on the last blank head I got ^^;
Due to my impatience, the work is rather rough :P Not sure if it was due to that, I still feel that I like tsun tsun version II the most out of the three?
This time, I used a sharp tool (that blade is very sharp ^^;) to slowly slice around the eye hole.
Some sanding is needed to smooth out the eye hole.
Partially carved the mouth and nose area to make sanding down a bit faster.
Have a damp cloth under to catch the sanding dust (Wearing a mask is recommended to prevent inhaling too much dust from sanding), different grade sandpaper is used — from coarse to finer.
Check from time to time
Temporarily insert the “blank” wooden beads partly painted with white acrylics, use pencil to mark the shape etc.
Decided to try to make custom eyes with wooden beads so I prepped the beads a while back… below is painting of the eyes in progress — hence the very rough edges.
Found out about silicone earplugs being a good alternative to eye putty? So decided to give that a try ^^
Eye is marked for left and right eye in pencil at a part where it does not show.
The silicone earplugs is rolled and shaped around the eye and carefully attached to inside the head with fingers.
A little crazed looking? ^^;
ETA: Removed the lower eye liner, think she looks a little better now ^^/
Which do you like better? lol
All so cute!
okay thank you! i need to save up my money haha ^^;
hi! sorry that this is silly question, but where can i buy doll like that? or where can i buy a face like that so i can customize it? and where can i buy the body? and hair? thank you! >.<
You can get a blank head/body from http://www.volks.co.jp/en/ or volksusa.com
Silly me that I didn’t check this post first before asking about the latest post XD I thought she looks different, lol. When did you get this new head?
heh, I got 2 blank heads with Nicole’s help? If I didn’t remember wrong XD