Anime Festival Asia Singapore experience
So last year I managed to check out AFA Singapore in December, I went without knowing what to expect. Also had a few things I wanted to do while I was there: Get Merchandise from Culture Japan booth (teeshirts target locked), and merchandise from a couple of the Cosplayers I was following for a while… ^o^
I had something to do in the area and decided to get tickets for myself and my friend XD! Felt happy we managed to queue up and my friend was able to snatch up a kawaii Kizuna (ahem ahem)
So kawaii >_<; Smart doll Kizuna was available at Culture Japan booth! Along with many other awesome goodies :3
So first impression of my first AFA SG is… it is very crowded, and very VERY LOUD!!! o_o; I generally had to shout in order for someone to hear me at some of the booths, and by the end of the day I felt my throat was sore and my ears ringing a bit… ^o^;
The music and shows featuring overseas guests can be heard throughout the entire venue o_o; It was really awesome listening to life music (even though I wasn’t attending the concerts or talk shows) The Japanese guest seiyus (voice actors/actresses) really rocked the live performances!
Danny had to host some of the live shows so he was running around a lot >_<;
Culture Japan booth display changed every day ^o^ I really enjoyed taking photos of all the set up around :D
No anyhow touchie here okay :P
Photo OK :3
Managed to meet some Smartdoll/Dollfie dream owners at the con! ^^ I didn’t stay full days at the con as it got too crowded and due to my trip being quite brief, I had other friends/family related obligations to tend to… I haven’t been back to SG due to some personal reasons beyond my control. ^^; Also…. I had a bad hair cut and feel like Poo hahaha! Reminder to self, don’t get a hair cut too close to a con LOL! Thanks andwluv for letting me bully your Mirai ^^; I’m still a bit tramatised! It was nice to see familiar faces at Culture Japan! ^o^
HNNNNGGGGHHHH Tora Kigurumi lovingly hand made by ^o^
Mirai and gang have come a long way since the day she was “born”! :D So proud of her XD
This is probably the 2nd day, which got even more crowded lol…
You can tell I really wanted these balloons no? :P But I was told they were only giving it out to kids T_T Oh well, photos will have to do :P
Anyone know what this mascot is? I can hardly remember ^o^;
Volks was a vendor at AFA for the first time :o! I don’t have the budget for another dollfie dream, so I don’t even dare to look at their line up ^^;;; They changed their display every day too I think?
Awesome bishonen(s) caught my eye even though I don’t know what series or game(?) they’re from lol
My favorite Idol Master character design wise is Miki! :P
I love all these huge posters and standee die cuts all over the place, I believe most of it you’re allowed to take photos with, if no one’s in the way ^^;
This time round I failed taking much photos of cosplayers ^^; Too crowded… I got really overwhelmed at some point in time =_= Also even though there was supposedly air conditioning, due to the amount of people in the area, I feel warm still x_x Managed to ask this Suiseiseki cosplayer for a pose ^^;> Thank you! sorry the photo is not very clear ToT;
Another area I was curious about was their Artist Alley, which they called something else Creator’s Hub? ^^; Came across Evacomics by chance… :P Another friend of mine, Asuka Sakumo had a booth too, unfortunately I don’t have a good photo of her booth x_x;
AFA’s brochure leaflet did not number the booths, (unless I missed something?) so if you wanted to get something from the artists direct the artist really have to promote their booth number ^^; It is super super super crowded most of the time… (argh!)
My husband was unable to join me for this trip, due to one of our cats needing daily medicine twice a day to control her epilepsy >_<; so I took some Gundam booth pix for him! ^^
This area was interesting to me too, people are allowed to draw and display their art ^o^
There’s a Creator’s Station too with someone doing a drawing/colouring demonstration too ^^
Seika is another official mascot of AFA ^o^
Moar art and pix being show cased on some of the walls I walked pass :P
The top left Seika fan art is so kawaii!
Till next time AFA! ^^)/
This year I will be at BlytheCon Vancouver at 9th August, and sharing a booth with a friend again at Anime Revolution in 14th to 16th August! :D Hope to see you there ^^/
I would really like to know about the experience when Queueing for ticket, I would love to get the stage + exhibition ticket in AFASG 2015 tomorrow. Do u have any tips?
I went early and basically it was rather straight forward, queue pay for tickets. The opening day I went to queue with a friend early as she wanted to get a limited item, we had to stand in line until the opening time ^^. I did not go for the concert, though the whole area we can hear music/interviews quite clearly — but that means it’s really loud at some booths. Have fun!