Ball joint doll meet 2

I want to take this chance to thank a few friends who kindly help us take photos of Glacier Lily who’s now on display with the other fabulous custom dolls in Singapore at the STGCC (Singapore Toy, Games and Comics Convention)! Thanks Kodomut and Arayden~! And Jooli – pix here! (see Jooli’s beautiful sewing work here)

Went to my 2nd local BJD meet, I almost didn’t make it… ^^; It was organised and hosted by a lovely girl who’s going to a different province to study in about 2 weeks time ^^;/
Mirin… I think she had a blast :P and shown me some sides of her which I didn’t know of ^^;;;; I also brought my hybrid MSD Elliot along :3 Unfortunately her pix were kinda blurry ^^;;;

When I was not looking, Mirin grew Neko Mimis (cat ears ^^;)

She harressed someone’s boy for the Mango juice ^^;

Made out with a boy… (what?!) Apparently he appreciates Mirin’s oppais ^^; I was laughing my head off so shocked my hand was shaking hence blurry pix :P

ok a few more “normal” pix LOL


It started out a chilly cloudy day but turned warm for a bit in the afternoon ^^

Met a Hoi Hoi San doll for the first time, kawaii~! I want to borrow her to kill mosquitos around us ^^; Danny talked about Kotobukiya’s version of Hoi Hoi San which is totally adorable!

She has very professional weaponery ^^;

This is so tiny!

Very interesting variety of dolls at the meet ^^


HALP~! (2)

Cute! Love his outfit XD

He has great balance O_O!

Another one join in!

They held the pose for a long time ^^;

Next time I gotta remember to bring my Lati Yellow kids ^^; they would have met another one of their own kind :P


Very nice detail on a clothing set for MSD :D

puppy dog eyes ^^; I forgot his name, but I know that his face up (make up) is done by a korean artist :3

It was a nice cozy meet :3! Glad to be a part of it ^O^!

26 replies
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    • chun
      chun says:

      Nice ^^ I like seeing different dolls interact, and I hope in future there will be more people interested in Dollfie Dreams locally! :)

  1. Motiko-chan
    Motiko-chan says:

    Aw, looks like lots of fun! ^w^
    You have lati yellows? I didn’t know =O
    They’re so cute, although I’ve come to like lati white’s more because they’re so incredibly tiny! x3

  2. lightningsabre
    lightningsabre says:

    LoL so THAT’s the picture everyone’s talking about… you approve of this mama chun? XD

    I ALMOST bought that Hoi Hoi-san actually… but the face doesn’t look like her, so I’m very glad that they have one from Kotobukiya coming out soon ^^

    • chun
      chun says:

      Mirin said it was all an accident, She tripped and fell and the boy got a faceful of you know what :P The Kotobukiya version is so adorable o_o;;;;; definitely match HoiHoi very closely ^^;

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