Mirai and balloons
I had this idea for a long time but was way too busy to do it! When reminded by husband that next week will probably start to rain, I had to pick a nice day, some previously made clothes and take some photos of Mirai!
I had this idea for a long time but was way too busy to do it! When reminded by husband that next week will probably start to rain, I had to pick a nice day, some previously made clothes and take some photos of Mirai!
I ended up deciding not to display/sell doll clothes this time (except on request) at the booth this year due to various reasons ^^; (PS: Sorry for the poor photo quality, these are mostly from either my ipad or iphone ^^;)
But otherwise, I was able to display Mirai and Kizuna Smart Doll, hand out some name cards, sell some fan art prints etc ^w^
I will be tidying my sewing dungeon this week, work on some listings and some stuff I took on before the conventions, and will be putting the latest updates on twitter @puppy52 :) I posted a slightly more detailed blog post on puppy52art.com :3
Thank you everyone for attending BlytheCon Vancouver! It was the first BlytheCon in Vancouver (and possibly Canada?!) So far we keep hearing good things about our Convention and are very happy and thankful for your kindness and support!
Please check the official facebook group for photos, come contribute if you have photos! ^o^/I would hope to make time next week or something to post more photos from my camera!
I am currently preparing for Anime Revolution 2015! This year, I have the great pleasure to be vending next to the super talented ScrumptiousDelight! Thank you for agreeing to vend with me on very short notice! After Anime Revolution, I hope I will have the energy to list items left over and/or make some listings on my online shop.
Please follow my twitter @puppy52 for the latest updates!
We have been lucky with the weather these days, it was very comfortable to be outside when I am not having serious allergies from pollen in the air ^^;
Kizuna and Mirai chan joined us one afternoon ^o^
Listed 3 BlytheCon Vancouver fundraiser dresses! Each dress is 20 cad – currently about 16 usd per dress. The proceeds for these listings – not included shipping (limited quantity) will be donated to help fund BlytheCon Vancouver! Hope you like them ^o^/ If there is enough interest I can do some preorder – pick up at blythecon listings! :D
We had a short break from the rain and wind, so I took Kizuna out to take photos with the tree, by now the petals have started shedding, it was a beautiful but melancholic sight.
As promised, we managed to have more photos taken at the beautiful tree blooming for the last time near our home on a beautiful afternoon!
Kizuna looks so cute as a foreign transfer student ;)
It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon after I had my Japanese class, and I went out to take some photos with my Mirai smart doll :)
This beautiful tree is located near where we live, unfortunately this is the last time it will bloom as due to development, the tree will be cut down. :(
Spring is early this year! :) The whitcomb cherry blossoms has started blooming 2-3 weeks sooner than last year :o I had to take Mirai and Kizuna out for photos!